Morris Forensic provides comprehensive valuations of businesses, business entities and business interests. Our valuation reports comply with the professional standard APES 225 – Valuation Services.

Our highly specialised and skilled team take pride in delivering independent, well-reasoned reports that can withstand the highest levels of scrutiny.  Martin White and Nick Lopez are both accredited as Business Valuation Specialists with the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.

We have experience in providing independent valuations in the context of:

  • compulsory acquisitions
  • taxation matters
  • business interruption
  • commercial disputes
  • estate planning and disputes
  • share sales
  • shareholder disputes
  • shareholder oppression actions
  • commercial transactions and sales
  • acquisition and divestment transactions
  • mergers and acquisitions
  • matrimonial property settlements

Specific engagements have included valuations of a:

  • Global FX and CFD provider for a shareholder dispute.
  • National insurance company for the purpose of determining the extent to which the purchaser of the company overpaid.
  • Multistate mining services company.
  • South Australian hotel group for matrimonial property settlement purposes.
  • National retirement village operator for matrimonial property settlement purposes.
  • South Australian and Victorian fuel distributor for the purposes of sale and restructure.
  • Large South Australian internet service provider to determine the value of the alleged interest of a minority owner.
  • National forklift sales and service group for taxation purposes.
  • Mid-north agricultural group to assist in resolving a family dispute.
  • South Australian insulation manufacturer for taxation purposes.
  • Suburban Adelaide private hospital for determining the amount to be paid to an exiting shareholder.
  • Consulting practice to determine the price at which to buyback units of exiting unitholder.
  • Childcare business as part of a state government compulsory acquisition.
  • South Australian winery that is part of the one of the largest independently owned wineries in Australia in the context of a family law settlement.
  • Australia’s largest manufacturer of hydraulic couplings and adaptors for estate planning purposes.
  • Company that owns and operates a significant number of fast food franchises worth in the order of $80 million.